
February 2, 2021

The Platforms Eye Newsletters

When many of us solo writers think about the audience funnel for what we’re building, it often starts with Twitter. If we…

January 29, 2021
Members Only

Media Gets Its Focus

I was interviewing a candidate for a job last week and he asked me an interesting question that stuck with me. “Do…

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January 5, 2021

Lessons to Learn From WW84 Launch

Christmas in 2020 was different than other years. Whereas in the past, we’d travel from house to house, this year, we were…

December 15, 2020

Why I Decided to Leave Substack

It was almost a year ago that I wrote a piece about me getting ready to leave Substack. I was spending the…

December 10, 2020
Members Only

Sherrell Dorsey on Building The Plug

Jacob: I’ve been following you on Twitter now for a while, but this is the first chance that you and I are…

December 9, 2020

Welcome to the New A Media Operator

It’s Wednesday evening here in New York and the kind developer I’ve been working with on A Media Operator has finally finished…