Unlock the Advantages of Outsourcing: Overcoming Uncertainty and Shaping Strategy

Join Todd Handy from SEBPO and Jacob Donnelly, Founder of AMO, as they explore the benefits of outsourcing for media businesses and address common hesitations.

July 24th at 12PM ET

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About The Webinar

In this discussion, Todd Handy from SEBPO and AMO Founder, Jacob Donnelly will explore the benefits of outsourcing and offer concrete steps to ensure that outsourcing is a successful endeavor for your media business. Additionally, we'll explore some common hesitations that often prevent media operators from embracing outsourcing.

Topics include:

  • SEBPO's framework for outsourcing
  • Why outsourcing makes sense and when
  • Overcoming common outsourcing hesitations
  • And more…

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Todd Handy

Chief Revenue Officer


Jacob Donnelly

Founder, A Media Operator